Ikarianature Essential Oils

Ikarianature Essential Oils
All the therapeutic power of Ikaria’s potent herbs in an aromatic bottle. We are proud to source from Ikarianature, a small family business that produces high quality, therapeutic grade essential oils and hydrosols from indigenous herbs of the island of Ikaria, the island of longevity.
We carry the following 4 herbs/scents in 5 ML bottles:
WILD OREGANO, origanum onites
We named wild oregano our local species, origanum onites, which is found only on islands of the Aegean and some parts of Turkey. Unlike origanum vulgare hirtum, it is a perennial bush that flourishes extensively on Ikaria and can give individuals plants with a 2 meter diameter and 1.5 meter height. In May, when it blossoms, the bushes are full of long green leafy stalks that end in flat leveled white flowers. The smell, when picking it with the scythe, can be overwhelming.
It yields less than origanum vulgare hirtum but the strength of its smell and the fact that Ikaria is the species’ ancestral home make it more powerful according to our and some of our clients’ opinion.
PEPPERMINT, mentha piperita
In many of the streams and rivers of Ikaria where there is flowing water throughout the year, the Peppermint grows abundantly. We choose carefully the places where there is no contamination in the water flow and plunge our feet in it under the hot summer sun, picking the Peppermint when its purple feathery flowers open.
We’ve been told from users of our Peppermint essential oil around the world, that it has a sweetness they haven’t sensed it in a Peppermint oil before. For us, its just the default smell of Peppermint.
ROCK SAMPHIRE (kritamo), crithmum maritimum
Rock Samphire or Sea Fennel, as it is sometimes called, grows only at sea level right on the coastline. Blossoming at the end of August it is the last herb we distill for our annual season. Being next to the sea and having all the season’s hard work on our backs, we are rewarded while picking it by taking dips during our short breaks.
The plant is succulent and has a soft but crunchy feeling, so it is the only one we pick with our bare hands. The perfume smelling flowers need just a twist on the stem below to break off easily.
Growing only on some parts of the Mediterranean basin, Rock Sampire was overlooked for is medicinal purposes and used only for culinary reasons in some areas. Being a powerful anti-oxidant and anti-wrinkle agent, its essential oil and hydrosol are becoming more and more popular.
WILD LAVENDER, lavandula stoechas
Always the first one, of the herbs we distill, to blossom in the spring, Lavandula Stoechas grows abundantly all over the island. It makes us particularly happy to start our season with the relaxing smell of our lavender.
We gather only the flowers of the plant along with a small part of the stem supporting it. We make sure that any stem picked is new soft growth and we never pick its woody parts, as that would hurt the plant and reduce the quality of the essential oil.
Picking Lavandula Stoechas is more difficult than the classic lavender as the flowers emerge not just on the top of the plant but also on many levels. The process can be time consuming and fiddly.
Right after picking, the flowers are put into the distiller and we receive this relaxing essential oil – both for the mind and the body – due to its high concentration in natural camphor.